Relationships COURSE ( Next course will be announced)
We start with a class on relationships. After all, we are all born of a mother and start our lives in a place. Already at the start of our lives we have two important relationships. Throughout your life you build relationships with many people. Sometimes for a long time, sometimes for a short time. But a lot of things don't go well with relationships either.
We grow up in families that are not perfect, although they (usually) have our best interests at heart. This damages us consciously and unconsciously and has an effect on our relationships with all those other people around us.
It is therefore very important to know what our Creator had in mind when He created mankind. What effect does the family in which we grew up have on us and how can we take the good with us and recover from what was not good, so that we are able to have healthy relationships ourselves.
Topics we adress
Topics include: How did God intend it? Difference between Man and Woman. The different family styles, codependency, communication and dating.
For whom is this class
So, if you want to get more depth in yourself and in your relationships, with anyone, then this is the class for you to take. This class is best taken together with your partner, but you can also take it on your own.
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