TPM Online course
Discover your true identity in Christ - transflorming your beliefs. REGISTER:Do you want to do the TPM TRAINING or receive PERSONAL TPM SESSIONS ?
More about TPM - TPM international
TPM is a ministry for those who desire to intentionally participate with God in the work that He is doing, refining their faith (belief), renewing their minds and transforming their lives. Negative emotions such as worry, fear, stress, hopelessness, feeling overwhelmed, depressed, alone and more are all produced by what we believe and not our circumstance. TPM provides a way to identify the lie-based beliefs producing our emotional pain so that we might look to the Lord and e persuaded of the truth by His Spirit in our hearts. TPM is not limited to the “emotionally troubled” but can become a LIFESTYLE for every believer who desires to connect with God and hear from Him every day. TPM is powerful as it is the Holy Spirit who persuades our hearts of the truth dispelling our lie-based beliefs that steal our joy and keep us from effortlessly experiencing the fruit of His Spirit. To “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2) is wholly a work of God’s Spirit. TPM is a way to participate in His work. There are four basic steps involved in TPM: -focus on what you are feeling -allow your mind to surface any related memory -discover how you came to believe what you currently believe that is causing you to feel what you feel -receive Jesus's truth about the belief to experience genuine transformation of your belief and behavior “We are trained in the latest versions of TPM through Transformation Prayer Ministry Inc. USA.
We offer this form of ministry and seek to apply it to the best of our ability. However, we do not represent this ministry nor are we associated with TPM. For information about TPM go to” |
TPM 12 week ONLINE course on ZOOM
HOURS per week :
PAYMENT OPTIONS The total cost of this online school is R600/50$ once off.
TPM testimonydo you need prayer??
If you need a TPM session - please contact us for a ministry session of approximately 1 hour
(We do sessions on donation base).